Friday, October 24, 2008


I have recently been talking to a couple of my friends about life, in general, and specifically about some things that have happened to me in my recent past. I have been asking God a lot of "why" questions. Not that I thought I was too good to go through hard times but to make sure I learn my lesson from these things and don't repeat my mistakes. I was praying in the shower today and it hit me like a ton of bricks...HE rescued me.

You may be thinking "that's your big revelation?" Yeah, I am talking about being in several situations I had no idea how to get out of. Trials that had been going on literally, for years. Having tried all I knew to try I had resorted to mere existence.

Did I love the Lord, Yes! Did I continue to go to church, Yes! Did I read my bible, Yes! Did I DO all the things Christians are supposed to do? YES! Guess what? I was still stuck in the mire. I couldn't understand why no one would / could help me. I felt defeated, I felt powerless and I felt alone. Little did I know that that's right where God needed me to be to show me something about Him I have never learned before...He is completely capable of and willing to rescue when no one else has a clue (including me).

I had some pride in me and didn't even know it... I thought I could DO something to make it all better instead of TRUSTING that He was in control. I lost faith, I lost joy and I had even lost hope, and still, He rescued me.

To KNOW that God absolutely intervened, absolutely put a stop to some things I had tried so long to overcome... it makes me feel overwhelmingly loved.

I have looked up some scriptures this afternoon about rescue and to sum up this is what I foundI must (1) Love Him and (2) Call on Him -- that's it...and He will (1) Answer me (2) Stay with me in trouble (3) Rescue me and (4) Honor me...Ps 91:14 & 15

I stand once again in awe, rescued.

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